
Find, Track & Analyse Startups

A unique lens focused on the Startupsphere to explore, identify and evaluate startups from over the world

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StartupLynx identifies similar startups around the world

StartupLynx allows you to quickly and easily identify a list of startups operating on specific themes, on an international scale in a few minutes.
Get an instant view using keywords, a summary pitch or more simply by entering  a website url. The AI ​​and NLP engine then performs a semantic analysis and immediately propose similar startups on an international scale.

Daily Update

Worldwide Database


AI Search Engine

we built startuplynx


Searching for companies in the field of startups, locally and more particularly internationally is a complex and long task. This is both from the point of view of targeting startups criteria as well as the freshness of the information and the repetitiveness that this research requires. Whether it is a research for startups competitive analysis, monitoring or even inspiration, the production of a personal report or one to disseminate, requires hours and often days of work without specific tools and updated databases.

Stay one
step ahead

Identify Trends

Analyse the emerging trends and identify weak signals

Compare your competitiveness

Identify Competitors

Identify startups which are like you and could be your competitors or partners

Accelerate your

Find Prospects

Discover potential leads and accelerate your business.

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We will send you our monthly StartupLynx radar


Favorite Startups

Find and bookmark your favorites companies, create groups

Startups Details

Access company informations like the location, similars companies, socials networks, founders, and more.

Startups History

View a timeline of all companies activity in your radar based on search results. Show current and active companies and also closed or merged one

Startups Radar

Save your search results on radars. Radars show your selected companies with different views like list, groupe, log, timeline activity and location map! 

Startups Sector

Browse startups by sectors and keywords with the Pro Search available for an Entreprise account


Stay one step ahead

No credit card required

The TEAM behind Startuplynx


Maxim Ojovan

Maxim Ojovan

International Business Developer

Vishali Sukumar

Vishali Sukumar

International Business Developer

Marius Mézerette


Jean-Luc Frétard

Jean-Luc Frétard



Ornella Solari


Karl Verger

Karl Verger


The company behind StartupLynx